Berlin 6G Conference 2025

- The Annual Networking Event of the German 6G Program -

Organized by the 6G Platform Germany

colocated with

The 2nd Germany Japan Beyond 5G/6G Research Workshop

Co-organized by NICT and the 6G Platform Germany

Save the Date: 01.-03. July 2025

Conference Program Overview

Coming soon

  • Get an overview on German 6G projects and their initial results.
  • Learn about EU and other national 6G programs.
  • Get briefed on regulatory questions with respect to 6G (spectrum, electromagnetic exposition, data protection and privacy, AI usage, sustainability, 
  • Get involved in discussions on visions, key trends, technologies and more.
  • Meet colleagues and build your network.

Detailed Session Program

(subject to changes)

Timeslot Plenarsaal C 01 Raum A 08 Raum A 03 - A 04 Raum A 05 Raum A06


09:10 – 10:20


10:50 – 12:30


14:00 – 15:30



16:00 – 18:00



18:00 – 19:30

Start-Up Program


09:00 – 10:30


11:00 – 12:30


14:00 – 15:30


16:00 – 18:00


09:00 – 10:30


11:00 – 12:30

SGP/GER Hybrid Workshop


14:00 – 15:30



Berlin, the German capital, is famous for its magnificent and varied selection of sights as well as a thriving culture scene. At the same time, the city offers a relaxed and energetic atmosphere.

In the context of the Berlin 6G Conference 2024, we are looking forward to a pleasant stay accompanied by fascinating lectures.


The bcc is centrally located in Berlin-Mitte. The journey is simplified and the time reduced by excellent connections to various modes of public transport. The arrival is comfortable and fast by public transport or cab.

Opening Session with Federal Minister Stark-Watzinger

Opening Session

09:10 – 09:15
Welcome message by 6G Platform Germany
Hans D. Schotten

09:15 – 09:30
Opening and EUREKA message
Federal Minister Stark-Watzinger, BMBF

09:30 – 09:45
EUREKA message
Deputy Ambassador of Canada Evelyn Coulombe

09:45 – 10:10

Towards a Resilient and Secure Society: 6G Innovation for the Future
Christina Gessner, Executive Vice-President, Rohde & Schwarz



10:50 – 10:55
Xavier Priem, Director of CELTIC-NEXT

10:55 – 11:10
Dr. Rudolf Haggenmueller, EUREKA Chair

11:10 – 11:20
David Kennedy, CELTIC-NEXT Chairman

11:20 – 11:30

Dr. Tina KlĂŒwer, BMBF, Dept 5 Director

11:30 – 11:40

Volker Ziegler, Nokia

11:40 – 12:10

Panel discussion on “Future Pervasive Networks and how to build them ”

moderated by David Kennedy, CELTIC-NEXT Chairman


  • Mr Engelbert Beyer (BMBF, Dept 51)
  • Mikko A. Uusitalo (Lead, EU 6G Flagship Hexa-X II, Nokia)

  • Johannes Springer (DTAG)
  • Maria Guta (ESA)
  • Hans Schotten (6G Platform Germany)

12:10 – 12:30

CELTIC-NEXT Awards Ceremony
moderated by David Kennedy, CELTIC-NEXT Chairman

International Plenary Session “Setting the Scene, Use Cases and Requirements”

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans D. Schotten

14:00 – 14:05

Hans D. Schotten, Chairman 6G Platform Germany

14:05 – 14:25
“6G Research at the European Level; Current Status and Future Plans”

Colin Willcock, Chairman, 6G-IA

14:25 – 14:50

“6G use cases – a view from the 3GPP SA1 use cases workshop in Rotterdam”

Toon Norp, SNS ICE project, TNO

14:50 – 15:30
Panel “Who will use 6G? And for what?”


  • Andreas MĂŒller (Chairman 5G-ACIA, Bosch)
  • Fabian Mackenthun (NXP)
  • Ralf Irmer (Vodafone)
  • Toon Norp (TNO, SNS ICE project)
  • Colin Willcock (Chairman 6G-IA)

ICAS in Cellular Infrastructure and Sidelink

Dr. Oliver Blume

Ulrich Barth

14:00 – 14:05

Dr. Oliver Blume (Bosch)
Ulrich Barth (Nokia Bell Labs)

14:05 – 15:05
Talks by perspective

(approx. 20 minutes each)

  • A beam of hope: the perks of beamforming for ICAS in 6G
    Slawomir Stanczak (HHI)

  • System architecture and PoCs of KOMSENS-6G

  • System architecture and PoCs of 6G-ICAS4Mobility

15:05 – 15:25

Discussion between projects: Synergies and Collaboration Opportunities

15:25 – 15:30
Conclusions and Closing

Dr. Oliver Blume (Bosch)
Ulrich Barth (Nokia Bell Labs)

Innovation Management and StartUp Connect

Dr. Lisa Underberg

Dr. Tobias Recker (6GEMcubator)

Daniel Lindenschmitt (s.s.c.KL)

14:00 – 15:30

The event will start with an overview of the WG Innovation Management within the 6G Platform, highlights its role for innovations in the 6G technology. Following this, representatives from each startup 6G-incubator (xG-Incubator, 6GEM Cubator, Launch Hub42 and SSC Kaiserslautern) will present their respective impulses, highlighting their approaches and contributions to fostering innovation in the field. In addition, start-ups and prospective founders will report on their experiences in general and on lessons learned specifically from the StartUpConnect program. Our Crowd Innovation concept will be presented afterwards and discussed in an interactive format.


  • Introduction and WG Innovation Management: „Help with the concretization of ideas“

  • Details on the StartUpConnect program and the associated incubators: „Taking concrete ideas further“

  • Best practice presentations: “Experience report and stumbling blocks from the StartUpConnect program”

  • Crowd Innovation: „Concept and interactive discussion “

  • Conclusion & Summary

Security for 6G and Beyond

Dr. Igor Bjelakovic

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Holger Boche

Dr. Stefan Katzenbeisser

14:00 – 15:30
The session consists of a series of invited talks with contributions from the 6G-hubs, related BMBF projects, and companies providing security solutions.

Planned contributions:

  • Physical Layer Based Security Solutions
    PHYSEC GmbH, BMBF-UltraSec project, TBC

  • Quantum Private Queries
    Thorsten Strufe (KIT), Open6GHub

  • Privacy and Confidentiality for Multi-Party Over-the-Air Computation
    6G-RIC, TBD

  • IRS-assisted Secure Communication
    6G-RIC, TBD

  • Contributions by 6G-life

  • Contributions by 6GEM

International Plenary Session “6G Design Principles”

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans D. Schotten

16:00 – 16:25
“Update from Hexa-X-II and 6G Design Principles”

Mikko Uusitalo, EU 6G Flagship Hexa-X-II Lead, Nokia

16:25 – 16:40
“Spectrum options for 6G”

Stefan Hiensch, BNetzA

16:40 – 17:00

“6G – an operators‘ view”

Sparsh Singhal, NGMN programme manager

17:00 – 18:00


  • Michael Meyer (R&D Manager, Ericsson)
  • Gerald Kunzmann (6G Platform WG Architecture Lead, 6G ANNA, Nokia)
  • Aki Nakao (Co-Chairman XGMF, Tokyo Univ.)
  • Nicola Michailow (Siemens)
  • Ari Pouttu (Vice-Director 6G Flagship and 6G-ESS, Univ. of Oulu)
  • Sparsh Singhal (Programme Manager, NGMN)
  • Mikko Uusitalo (EU 6G Flagship Hexa-X-II Lead, Nokia)

3D Networks

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Armin Dekorsy

Dr.-Ing. Dirk WĂŒbben

  • 3D Networks – Operator view
    Tilo Heckmann, TelefĂłnica Germany, 6G-TakeOff

  • Space-enabled connectivity and situational awareness solutions for the future of mobility
    Stephan Roemer, OHB System AG

  • SPACE!Box: A Concept for On-Board Data-Router supporting future NTN and OBDH
    Ulf Kulau, DSI Aerospace Technologie, 6G-TakeOff

  • Implementation of Space Optical Communication Technology into Non-Terrestrial Networks
    Dimitar Kolev, Hiroyuki Tsuji, NICT, Japan

  • Non-Terrestrial Networks – from 5G-Advanced to 6G
    Thomas Heyn, Fraunhofer-Institut fĂŒr Integrierte Schaltungen IIS

Sub-THz Channel Measurements and Modeling for 6G and Beyond

Dr.-Ing. Michael Peter

  • Characteristics of the sub-THz radio channel – insights from measurement-based analyses for various scenarios (6G-RIC, 6G-ADLANTIK)
    Michael Peter, Fraunhofer HHI

  • Characterization of propagation in an industrial scenario from sub-6 GHz to 300 GHz” (6G-RIC)
    Alexander Ebert, Fraunhofer IIS, Technische UniversitÀt Ilmenau

  • Small scale propagation characterization at 300 GHz in an industrial environment (6G-RIC)
    Lucas Cùndido Ribeiro, Technische UniversitÀt Braunschweig

  • Probing the time evolution of the sub-THz radio channel for communication and sensing (6G-ADLANTIK)
    Taro Eichler, Rohde & Schwarz

  • Time-varying THz indoor channel measurements and simulations for 6G testing with micrometer accuracy (6GEM)
    Thomas Kaiser, UniversitÀt Duisburg-Essen

Resilience in Wireless Communication Networks

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Eduard Jorswieck

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Falko Dressler

  • How NoN* increases Resilience in 6G
    Mathias Bohge

  • The Role of Resilience in 6G
    Andreas MĂŒller

  • Resilient-by-Design Concepts for 6G Communications Systems
    Norman Franchi

  • Resilience and Criticality: Brothers in Arms for 6G
    Aydin Sezgin

  • Intelligent Cooperation to Boost the Network Resilience Against Resource Volatility
    Setareh Maghsudi

  • Foundations of Resilience in Future 6G-quantum networks Volatility
    Riccardo Bassoli

Plenary Keynote Session

Opening Session

09:00 – 09:05
Welcome on behalf of the 6G Plattform Germany
Gerhard Fettweis

09:05 – 09:15
Mr Engelbert Beyer, BMBF

09:15 – 09:35
Keynote: â€œAccelerating Beyond 5G/6G R&D in NICT”

Prof. Tokuda, President, NICT

09:35 – 09:55
Keynote: „Harnessing the transformational nature of AI for 6G“

Peter Merz, VP and Head of Standardisation, Nokia

09:55 – 10:10
Keynote: „RF, Power and Sensor Solutions for energy efficient 6G Networks“
Ludger Verweyen, Head of Product Line RF, Infineon Technologies AG

10:10 – 10:30
Keynote: „1&1 makes a difference as the fourth mobile network operator“
Mr Martin, CEO of 1&1 Mobilfunk

Joint Communication and Sensing (JCAS)

Prof. Dr. Norman Franchi

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Falko Dressler

Part 1:

Talks by the 6G Hubs
(15 min. each)


  • “ISAC under Security and Privacy Constraints – from Theory to Demonstrations”
    Prof. Dr. Holger Boche, TU MĂŒnchen, Project 6G-life

  • “Implications of upcoming JCAS systems in 6G on Privacy in Public Areas”Torsten Reißland, FAU Erlangen-NĂŒrnberg, Project Open6GHub

  • „6GEM Activities and first Results on Joint  Communication and Sensing”
    Gerd vom Bögel, Fraunhofer IMS, Project 6GEM

  • “Network as a Sensor: 6G-RIC Perspective on JCAS”
    Kenan Turbic, Fraunhofer HHI, Project 6G-RIC


Part 2:

Talks by 6G Industry Projects

(15 min. each)


  • “6G HW Design Challenges for JCAS Systems”
    Marko Fleischer, Nokia, Project 6G-CampuSens

  • “Integrated Sensing and Communication for Industrial Applications in Sub-6 GHz and mmWave Bands”
    Vladica Sark, IHP, Project 6G-Campus


Part 3:

Panel Discussion

(30 min.)


On the presented perspectives and statements provided by the speakers and on, e.g., open challenges, gap analysis, relevance to commercial applications, etc.

Moderated by Norman Franchi and Falko Dressler, with all speakers, involving the audience

Towards Ubiquitous Coverage with 6G

Dr. -Ing. George Yammine

  • NTN Aspects
    Alexander Hofmann, Fraunhofer IIS

  • Understanding the importance of nomadic networks for ubiquitous coverage in 6G networks
    Marius Corici, Fraunhofer FOKUS

  • Positioning in Cell-Free Massive MIMO Systems
    Norbert Franke, Fraunhofer IIS

  • Next-Generation Network Deployment and Services
    Matthias Meyer, TECTWIN

Towards 4th Germany-Japan Beyond 5G/6G Research Workshop

Co-organized by NICT and the 6G Platform Germany

11:00 – 11:05


Prof. Schotten, Chairman, 6G Platform Germany

11:05 – 11:20

Status updates from BMBF

11:20 – 11:35

Status updates from XGMF

Prof. Nakao

11:35 – 12:25

Presentations of on-going joint projects in Japan and Germany
(2 slides each + QA, totally 50 min)

12:25 – 12:30

Wrap up and announcements for the next GER-JP workshop in Japan
Dr. Ishizu, Director of Beyond 5G Design Initiative, NICT

Sensing Technologies for Health in 6G Networks

Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Slawomir Stanczak

  • SubTHz sensing for health applications: opportunities & challenges
    Dr. Junqing Guan, Nokia Bell Labs

  • Unlocking health insights: cutting-edge radar technology for vital sign and heart sound detection
    Dr. Benedict Scheiner, Sykno GmbH

  • Transforming cardiovascular health: a transformer-based approach to continuous, non-invasive blood pressure estimation via radar sensing
    Nastassia Vysotskaya, Infineon AG

  • Advancing healthcare with 6G-sensing: interdisciplinary innovations and applications in medicine
    Dr. Johannes Dommel, Fraunhofer HHI

Energy Savings in Future Mobile Networks

Thomas von der GrĂŒn

Thomas Windisch

“Value-based design of 6G – a systems perspective on desired 6G sustainability outcomes”
Ali Rezaki / NOKIA

“Energy Savings Sustainability, Mobile Network Operators View”
Tilo Heckmann / TelefĂłnica

“Vodafone’s Green Goals: A Perspective on Energy and Sustainability”
Rishikesh Chakraborty / Vodafone

“Sustainability Aspects in 3GPP: Network Energy Saving”
Geordie George / Fraunhofer IIS

Industry Panel: Open 5G Campus Networks – Drivers for 6G?

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Magedanz

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Norman Franchi



  • Takehiro, Nakamura, DoCoMo, Japan

  • Muslim Elkotop, Vodafone, Germany

  • Tilo Heckmann, Telefonica, Germany

  • Andreas Mueller, Bosch, Germany

  • Joachim Sachs, Ericsson, Germany

  • Slawomir Stanczak, HHI, Germany

6G for Healthcare

Dr. Ralf Irmer

Christoph Lipps

Dr. Max Rockstroh

Healthcare has been identified as a core theme for 6G, as highlighted at the Berlin6GConference by Minister Stark-Watzinger. The medical sector faces numerous challenges, including staff shortages, cost pressures, and an increasing number of elderly patients. 6G technologies have the potential to alleviate and address these issues.

This session provides a comprehensive overview of current research projects in the field of 6G and their applications in healthcare. It presents an approach for a Medical Device Compliant solution that meets high standards for data security and protection. The solutions aim to enhance efficiency and improve the quality of patient care. Experts from various disciplines will share their insights and discuss the future opportunities that 6G can offer in the healthcare sector.


Dr. Matteo Große-Kampmann (Hochschule Rhein-Waal)


Towards 6G in Healthcare – A Holistic Approach
Clemens Möllenhoff (ICCAS)


Connected Health: Compliant and Efficient Integration of Medical and Non-Medical Devices by applying the MD Comp framework
Hans Wenner (VDE)


Hardware Security for Medical Devices
Jörn Hoffmann (InfAI)


Panel Discussion:


  • Stefan Maas (NXP)
  • Dr.-Ing. Tobias Urban (Hochschule Rhein-Waal)
  • Hans Wenner (VDE)
  • Clemens Möllenhoff (ICCAS)

Technologies and Circuits for Sub-THz Communication and Sensing

Prof. Dr. Corrado Carta

Prof. Dr. Ivan Ndip


1. Advanced RF Packages, Integrated Antennas and Reflectarrays for 6G and Sub-THz Radar Sensing Applications

  • Speaker: Robert Stöcker, Fraunhofer IZM, BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg
  • Additional contributors: Uwe Maaß, Thi Huyen Le, Ivan Ndip
  • Funding: 6GKom, 6G-TERAKOM, 6G-RIC, TKOS

2. SiGe BiCMOS Integrated Transceivers and Module Integration for Resilient Communication at D-band

  • Speaker: Corrado Carta, IHP GmbH
  • Additional contributors: Andrea Malignaggi, Batuhan SĂŒtbas, Karthik KrishneGowda
  • Funding: 6G-RIC, Open 6G Hub, ESSENCE-6GM

3. Integrating Communication and Sensing: 6G and Radar Circuits in the D-Band

  • Speaker: Jan Schöpfel
  • Additional contributors: Tobias T. Braun, and Nils Pohl, Ruhr-UniversitĂ€t Bochum
  • Funding: 6GEM

4. SiGe BiCMOS Technology and Circuits for mm-Wave Applications

  • Speaker: Hans-Dieter Wohlmuth, Infineon
  • Funding: CampuSens, MassIMO, AI4CSM, ESSENCE, 6G-TERAKOM

5. 200Gbit/s Wireless Point-to-Point Transmission over 50m at 300GHz

  • Speaker: Sebastian Randel, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany
  • Additional contributors: Dittmer, D. Fang, Y. Chen, H. Peng, A. Bhutani, C. Koos
  • Funding: Open6GHub, 6GEM

6. D-Band Sensing Testbed: Advancing Ultra-Broadband Near-Realtime Capabilities

  • Speaker: Ramez Askar, Fraunhofer HHI
  • Additional contributors: Sven Wittig

Funding: 6G-RIC

Large Scale Experimentation Facilities

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Georg Carle



  • Georg Carle (TUM)

  • Serge Fdida (Sorbonne University)

  • Hakima Chaouchi (Institut Mines-Telecom)

  • Sebastian GallenmĂŒller (TUM)


Panel Discussion:

Industrial vs. Academic Viewpoints on Large Scale Research Infrastructures for Computing/Communication Experiments

Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces: Theory, Optimization, and Experiments

Prof. Dr.-Ing Aydin Sezgin

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Robert Schober

Session Part I

4 Talks (60 min.)


  • Eduard Jorswieck (6G-RIC)

  • Wolfgang Utschick (6G-Life)

  • Vahid Jamali (Open6GHub)

  • Taro Eichler (stc) (6G-LICRIS)


Session Part II

4 Talks (60 min.)


  • Michael Peter (6G-LICRIS, 6G-RIC)

  • Robert Stöcker (6G-RIC, Fraunhofer IZM)

  • Alejandro JimĂ©nez SĂĄez (Open6GHub)

  • Markus Heinrichs (TH Köln)

International Panel “Open 6G for all – Towards Open 6G Research Infrastructures and Toolkits (Open6GRIT)”

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Magedanz



  • Aki Nakao
    Tokyo University, Japan

  • Kostas Chalkiotis
    Deutsche Telekom, Germany

  • Maria, Guta
    European Space Agency, The Netherlands

  • Serge Fdida
    Sorbonne University, France

  • Anita Dohler
    NGMN Alliance

  • Anastasius Gavras
    EURESCOM, Germany

  • Tony Quek
    SUDT, Singapore

  • Abhimnayu Gosain
    Northeast University, USA


Prof. Dr. Norman Franchi

Dr. Stefan Köpsell

Dr. Hekma Chaari

Part 1:
Impulse Talks (10 min. each)

  • On the 6G Trustworthiness & Trust Research Challenge
    Dr. Gerhard Fettweis, TU Dresden & Barkhausen Institut

  • Security Risks in Hybrid Private Network Deployments
    Matthias Weber, BSI, Federal Office for Information Security

  • Zero-Trust architecture for 6G technologies and infrastructures 
    Ralf Irmer, Vodafone Germany [Tentative]

  • Convergence of security and sustainability for trustworthiness
    Ali Rezaki, Nokia Germany

  • Hexa-X-II 6G Vision in term of trustworthiness
    Bin Han, Hexa-X-II, RPTU Kaiserslautern

  • AI-NET-PROTECT: Automated, resilient and secure networks for business and society
    Christoph Lipps (DFKI)

Part 2:

Panel Discussion (45 min.)



  • Dr. Gerhard Fettweis
    TU Dresden & Barkhausen Institut

  • Matthias Weber
    BSI, Federal Office for Information Security

  • Ralf Irmer
    Vodafone Germany [Tentative]

  • Bin Han
    Hexa-X-II, RPTU Kaiserslautern

  • Christoph Lipps

  • Dr. Norman Franchi
    FAU Erlangen-NĂŒrnberg

  • Stefan Köpsell Barkhausen Institut

  • Dr. Hekma Chaari
    FAU Erlangen-NĂŒrnberg

Panel discussion: Paving the way to 6G architecture – do we need a revolution?

Dr. Gerald Kunzmann

Admela Jukan

  • 6G architecture views
    (15 mins per project incl short Q&A)

  • Panel discussion on findings and recommendations
    (45 mins)

From XL to cell-free MIMO: next-generation multi antenna technologies

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Eduard Jorswieck

Dr. Lorenzo Miretti

  • “Learning the MIMO Radio Propagation Environment Using Lightweight Generative Modeling”
    Wolfgang Utschick, TUM, (20 min)

  • “Energy efficiency for multi-cloud MIMO networks”
    Aydin Sezgin, RUB, (20 min)

  • “Modeling massive MIMO with electrically large arrays”
    Miguel Lopez, Ericsson, (20 min)

  • “Fairness Scheduling and Fronthaul Optimization in Cell-Free User-Centric Massive MIMO Networks”
    Giuseppe Caire, TUB, (20 min)

  • “Microelectronic Circuits and Technologies for MIMO architectures”
    Paulo Oliveira, Infineon, (20 min)

  • “Revisiting cell-free massive MIMO versus small cells”
    Lorenzo Miretti, HHI, (20 min)

Quantum Communications

Prof. Dr. Holger Boche

Prof. Dr. Frank Fitzek

  • QuaPhySI: Quantum Physical Layer Service Integration

  • QUIET: Hybrid quantum-conventional communication network

  • QD-CamNetz: Quantum Wireless Campus Network

  • 6G-QuaS: 6G-Quantum Security

  • Q-TREX: Resilience for the Quantum Internet

  • QUARKS: Future quantum communication networks

  • Panel Discussion

Beyond Metal: The Future of Robotics Powered by 6G

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Slawomir Stanczak

  • Requirements from the world of networked robotics (10 mins)
    Frank Hofmann, Bosch

  • Robotics and Communications (10 mins)
    Frank Fitzek, 6G-life

  • Highly reliable networking for 6G-enabled immersive robot control (10 mins)
    Christian Wietfeld, 6GEM

  • Over-The-Air Consensus for Collision Avoidance and Formation Control in Multi-Robot Systems (10 mins)
    Michael Epp, 6G-RIC

  • Applications of advanced network technologies in robotics (10 mins)
    Dr. Thomas Staufenbiel, Gestalt Robotics

  • Panel discussion (40mins)
    Stefanie Speidel (6G-life), Dr. Frank Hofmann (Bosch), Prof. Christian Wietfeld (6GEM), Michael Epp (6G-RIC), Prof. Dr. Thomas Staufenbiel (Gestalt Robotics)

Control Plane Aspects of 6G Technology

Prof. Dr. André Drummond


(60 minutes for presentations + 30 minutes for panel discussion)

The session will be organized into several short presentations (8 + 2 minutes). The programme includes the topics and speakers below:

  • Sub-THz technologies
    Dr. Lorenzo Miretti, Fraunhofer HHI

  • O-RAN Real-time RIC
    Osman Basaran, TU Berlin

  • RAN Telemetry
    Dr. Julius Schulz-Zander, Fraunhofer HHI

  • RAN-Core convergence
    Dr. Marius Corici, Fraunhofer FOKUS

  • Service-Based 6G RAN Control Plane
    Dr. Peter Schefczik, Nokia

  • In-network AI in 6G
    Prof. Holger Karl, Potsdam University

The presentations will be followed by a discussion among panelists on the impact of the 6G technologies on the RAN Control Plane and whether it needs to be substantially transformed to achieve its goals.

Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces: Theory, Optimization, and Experiments - Panel

Prof. Dr.-Ing Aydin Sezgin

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Robert Schober

Session Part I
Presentations (45 minutes)

“RIS – RF Measurements & Qualification Aspects”
Simon Otto, IMST, Project 6G-LICRIS

“On the realization of RIS – about trade-offs, drawbacks and impairments”
Robert Stöcker,
Fraunhofer IZM, Project 6G-RIC

“Liquid-Crystal Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces based on the Delay-Line Architecture”
Alejandro Jiménez Såez, TU Darmstadt

Session Part II

Panel (45 minutes)

Vincenzo Sciancalepore

Wilhelm Keusgen
TU Berlin, Projects 6G-RIC, 6G-LICRIS

Thomas Zwick
KIT, Project Open6GHub

Markus Heinrichs
TH Cologne

Simon Otto

Robert Stöcker
Fraunhofer IZM, Project 6G-RIC

Alejandro Jiménez Såez
TU Darmstadt

Optical Access and in-building Networks for 6G

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Volker Jungnickel

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Volker Jungnickel (Fraunhofer HHI)

Optical Access and Satellite
Rene Bonk (Nokia), Luigi Martino (FAU Erlangen-NĂŒrnberg)

In-building Networks
Stefan PrĂŒcklmayer (Maxlinear), Anil Mengi (devolo)

Guido Hiertz (Ericsson)

Millimeter-wave and LiFi
Wilhelm Keusgen (TU Berlin), Christoph Kottke (Fraunhofer HHI)

Industrial and Medical Applications
Ernst-Joachim Steffens (EJS Industrie 4.0), Henner Baberowsky (Uni Leipzig, ICCAS)

Panel Discussion
All speakers

Future Research Topics

Prof. Dr. Stephan ten Brink

Prof. Dr. Slawomir Stanczak

The session is organized as a panel, starting with short expert-pitches on feature topics, followed by a moderated discussion with Q&A from the audience.

  • “Medium access and link layer control”
    Prof. Marina Petrova, RWTH Aachen Thema

  • „7G“
    Prof. Gerhard Fettweis, TU Dresden

  • „Future of Integrated communication and sensing“
    Dr. Silvio Mandelli, Nokia Bell Labs

  • „New spectrum and THz communications“
    Prof. Ingmar Kallfass, U Stuttgart

  • „AI for next gen. communication networks“
    Dr. Zoran Utkovski, Fraunhofer/HHI

Wireless Access Protocols for 6G

Dr. Andrea Munari

  • „6G-ANNA sub-network architecture“
    Dr. Bahare Masood Khorsandi, Nokia Strategy and Technology, Munich

  • „Unsourced Multiple Access for Next Generation IoT Connectivity“
    Dr. Zoran Utkovski, Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute, Berlin

  • „Massive grant-free access in 6G Networks“
    Dr. Gianluigi Liva, German Aerospace Center, DLR, Oberpfaffenhofen

  • „Fast Unsourced Random Access, Channel Estimation and Localization in Cell-Free User-Centric Massive MIMO Networks“
    Prof. Giuseppe Caire, TU Berlin

Quantum Technologies for 6G and Beyond

Igor Bjelakovic

Marc Geitz

Janis Nötzel

Henrike Wissing

  • “Challenges in Quantum-Secure Communication – From
    Research to Integration”
    M. Reinecke (BearingPoint GmbH)

  • “Quantum Communication
    Technologies: Overview of Research Activities and Challenges”
    L. Krieg (Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), SquaD)

  • „The road to provable quantum advantage in 6G“
    R. Bassoli (TU Dresden, 6G-life)

  • “Integrated photonics for quantum applications and
    J. Philipps (Quix Quantum GmbH)

  • “Quantum Joint Detection Receivers: Advantage and
    J. Nötzel (TU MĂŒnchen, 6G-life)

  • “Quantum Hardware Aware Security for 6G Networks”
    I. Bjelakovic (Fraunhofer HHI, 6G-RIC)

Optical Transport Evolution Towards 6G

Dr. rer. nat. Colja Schubert

Dr.-Ing. Johannes Fischer

  • „Optical Transport Evolution Towards 6G“
    Jörg-Peter Elbers, Adtran, Germany

  • “Space-Division Multiplexing in Future 6G Optical Transport”
    Ruben Luis, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Japan

  • „Coherent DSCM Transceivers: A Scalable Solution for Future Mobile Transport?“
    Antonio Napoli, Infinera, Germany

  • „Designing and operating secure optical networks: from classical to quantum-based solutions“
    Matheus Sena, Deutsche Telekom, Germany

Antennas and frontends for Beyond 5G and 6G applications

Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Keusgen

Dr. Christos Oikonomopoulos

  • “Antenna and Packaging for a Sub-THz Wireless Point-to-Multipoint Link”
    Akanksha Bhutani, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

  • “Configurable mm-wave antennas for communications and sensing”
    Indra Gosh, IMST GmbH

  • “All-Dielectric Directive Antennas”
    Guillaume Francois, RWTH Aachen

  • “Multi-Mode Multi-Port Antennas (MÂłPA) – a Promising Concept for Advanced 6G Antenna Systems”
    Dirk Manteuffel, Leibniz UniversitÀt Hannover

  • “D-Band active antenna array with lens enabling quasi-optical and analog beam reconfiguration for 6G applications”
    Simona Bruni, IMST GmbH

  • “Antenna Technology for 6G Mobile Radio Network Infrastructure”
    Jacob Martin, Ericsson

Electromagnetic Exposure in 5G and Beyond Networks

Dr.-Ing. Mario Pauli

Amina Fellan

  • „Challenges for Human Exposure Assessment in 5G and impacts on 6G” (15 min)
    Tam Ta, RWTH Aachen

  • „Calculation of Protection Areas of Cellular Radio Stations using WattwĂ€chter“ (15 min)
    Thorsten Kayser, PKTEC GmbH

  • Possible research focuses (15 min)
    Josef Opitz, BNetzA

  • Panel Discussion (30 min)

Next Generation Wireless Networks and the Role of Machine Learning

Dr. Renato Luis Garrido Cavalcante

  • „Towards a Universal Real-Time Neural Receiver“
    Alexander Keller, Senior Director of
    Research, NVIDIA

  • „Neural Receiver: testbeds and data collection“
    Francesco Rossetto, Rhode & Schwarz

  • „Enhancing 6G Receiver Performance: Comparative Analysis of AI-Based and Conventional Post-Distortion Techniques for Power Amplifiers“
    Ali El Husseini, Ericsson

  • „Fixed-point methods and model-driven AI for 6G PHY optimization“
    Jochen Fink, Fraunhofer HHI

Highly-Efficient PAs for 5/6G

Prof. Friedel Gerfers

Prof. Amelie Hagelauer

  • “PA- and GaN device requirements for 5G base stations and beyond”
    Tim Canning, Ericsson

  • “Power Amplifier in SiGe for mmWaves with Enhanced Back-Off Efficiency”
    Jan Schöpfel, Nils Pohl, Ruhr-UniversitÀt Bochum

  • “Millimeter-Wave Power Amplifiers in SiGe and CMOS Technologies for 6G”
    Ahmet Cagri Ulusoy, Alexander Haag, Ibrahim Aksoyak, Kaan Balaban, Tsung-Ching Tsai, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology – KIT

  • “Linear Power Amplification – a Bottleneck for Terahertz Communication Transceivers“
    Ingmar Kallfass, B. Schoch, T. Ufschlag, L. Gebert, S. Haussmann, D. Wrana, UniversitÀt Stuttgart

  • “Advanced PA Concepts and Technology for 5G/6G Power Amplifier Applications”
    Loose, A. Deublein, D. Riess, A. Engelmann, T. Huang, R. Weigel, G. Fischer, Friedrich-Alexander-UniversitĂ€t Erlangen-NĂŒrnberg